is a website. It is not a real estate broker or brokerage. Buyer is not responsible to pay any fee to a real estate broker affiliated with unless agreed to in writing. Buyer authorizes broker affiliated with to add its fee language, paid by seller, when offer to purchase property is presented to seller. Real estate brokers affiliated with may receive a fee from the Buyer, Seller, Broker, Lender or Qualified Intermediary. Client or real estate brokers affiliated with may terminate this agreement for any (or no) reason upon five days prior notice to the other party, provided that any fees earned by real estate brokers affiliated with prior to the receipt of such notice shall be paid by client. Real estate brokers affiliated with  receive and provide “for sale” property information from other real estate brokers, developers and sellers. Real estate brokers affiliated with have not verified the information provided and make no guarantee, warranty or representation about its accuracy or availability. Real estate brokers affiliated with do not represent Buyer or Seller unless a separate “Buyer Agency” agreement is signed. Real estate brokers affiliated with do not provide financial planning, accounting, appraisal, lease or contract review, due diligence, engineering, tax, legal or Qualified Intermediary services. Client and their tax, legal and financial advisors are advised to independently and diligently: (i) verify the accuracy of all information (ii) visit and investigate the property to determine suitability for investment, quality of location & construction (iii) confirm the value of the property and credit worthiness of the tenant (iV) perform all contractual obligations and account for any FIRPTA, insurance, tax or other withholdings. It is the client’s responsibility to meet all contractual deadlines contained in any contract to purchase property. It is the client’s responsibility to work directly with its 1031 exchange Qualified Intermediary, meet all 1031 exchange deadlines and accurately fill out 1031 exchange property identification forms. Real estate brokers affiliated with reserve the right in its sole discretion n to not submit offers to purchase property where it deems appropriate. Buyer confirms they will not submit offer to purchase one or multiple properties unless they are financially able and have full intent to close on such property under the terms outlined within their offer. Clients and other real estate brokers agree to indemnify and hold real estate brokers affiliated with harmless from any and all monetary or other damages caused from a delayed, failed or unsatisfactory transaction. Buyer confirms they will not contact the tenant, seller or seller’s broker regarding any property received from real estate brokers affiliated with without prior written approval from real estate brokers affiliated with Client must independently interview, compare, approve, pay, review and understand findings from any third-party provider (real estate broker, lender, Qualified Intermediary, attorney, CPA, appraiser, surveyor, environmental, water, well, mineral rights, zoning, etc.) or other professional introduced by real estate brokers affiliated with . This Agreement is made in the State Delaware and shall be governed by Delaware law. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the parties and their respective heirs, representatives, executors, successors and assigns and all parties hereby consents to Venue and Jurisdiction of Delaware Courts to resolve any and all disputes arising under this agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior or other agreements, promises and representations. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except in writing signed by both parties.